Thursday, June 7, 2018

Grace for the Day

Grace for the Day

O glorious day,
O happy day,
To be alive,
To stretch to heaven,
Within and without knowing all,
As heaven fills each fiber of my being,
I sense the belongingness of all things holy,
I feel the breeze,
I feel the sun,
I feel the wonder of the world,
I have today,
Only today,
Tomorrow is not promised,
Not yet,
Yesterday is gone,
Not forgotten,
I am all of what I was,
But, I am becoming, too,
Better than I was,
In God’s grace alone,
Each second,
Each minute,
Each hour,
And, in that grace,
Your loving grace,
The grace that only you can give,
This will be,
A glorious day,
A happy, happy day!

Peter Lowell Paulson
June 7, 2018