Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone
All alone
By the sea
Hardly free

Hands upraised
People phased
Masses walk
Hardly talk

Baskets hold
Goods are sold
Those who give
Hardly live

Men have used
Women abused
Children run
Hardly fun

A place on earth
Tremendous dearth
Justice lean
Hardly seen

People fear
Shed no tear
Help around
Hardly found

In God’s belief
Constant relief
In life turmoil
Toward heaven toil.

Peter Lowell Paulson

December 7, 2010


  1. Sounds like it was a sobering trip. Can't wait to hear all about it. And to see pictures. I know your group did great things!

  2. New perspectives; can't wait to share. I know it has been said thousands of times by others, but it's true, we are so blessed, not just lucky, blessed to be living in America.
