Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Staff

With words ne’er patrimonial,
This is my testimonial,
And ever true confessional,
My staff is so professional,

When schedules seem unbearable,
The workload stress is terrible,
They have the true capacity,
To find inward tenacity,

They face each task so skillfully,
And help each patient willfully,
I’ve never seen them lazily,
But ever, always crazily.

I guess when all is said and done,
They work quite hard yet have some fun,
When pondering at setting sun,
I have a staff second to none.

Peter Lowell Paulson

February 16, 2011

1 comment:

  1. My staff posed me a challenge to write a poem about them. This is that attempt. I could probably write about each individual, but this sums it up. They are the absolute BEST!
