Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rudy and Jack (Unfinished)

Once Rudy Rutabaga and Jack his Pumpkin pal,

Yes they were friends forever until the met this gal,

Her name was Red Tomato and she was very fine,

She lived up at the corner of Green Leaf Street and Vine.

One day Rudy was walking out in the Outer Back,

And he saw Red Tomato was talking to friend Jack,

Much later in the afternoon he spied Red all alone,

So Rudy asked if she would like to get an ice cream cone.

She smiled her smile and winked her eye and then she plainly said,

“You see that Jack and I have planned to see the zoo instead,”

“Oh, Jack and I we love the zoo, and I would like to go,”

“The three of us,” said Rudy now, “We’ll watch the monkey show!”

Then Red said, “Rudy Rutabaga please now understand,”

“I want to go with Jack alone; then we’ll walk hand-in-hand,”

“And then tomorrow you and I can go and have dessert,”

Now Rudy said, “I can’t do that to Jack, you little flirt.”

Now Red got mad and madder still it was quite plain to see,

She turned quite red and redder still as red as Red could be,

And at that very moment Jack walked up to both his friends,”

He said, “I heard the both of you now you should make amends.”

And Jack went on; he said to Red, “Now you know Rudy here,”

“Well he and I have been the best of friends from year to year!”

“Yes, he’s the bestest Rutabaga this Pumpkin will know,”

“And if you give him half a chance I think you’ll see that’s so.”

Now Rudy felt a bit ashamed so he now spoke to Red,

“Now Miss Tomato I was wrong with all the things I said.”

And Red now turned and smiled at him and softly she did say,

“And I am sorry also for my words I spoke today.”

The three of them they talked and talked, and then they would all laugh,

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