Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Grandchildren Part II

Grandchildren_Part II

Grandchildren are the best,
Every grandparent will say so,
On so many levels,
The simple stuff is,
You love ‘em,
When you are tired,
You give ‘em back,
The best part is,
If you are involved,
You hear your daughter,
You hear your son,
Grandchild (boy or girl),
You immediately, relate,
Your eyes start to tear,
Because you remember,
Putting on socks,
Putting on the shoes,
“Come on”, “Come on”,
“Get into the car!”
“We have to get going!”
As a Grandparent,
You know you have loved each child,
That, is your children,
And, now you can sit back,
You can bask.

Peter Lowell Paulson
December 17, 2014

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