Friday, January 16, 2015

Being Grandpa

Being Grandpa

Pile ‘em on,
There is nothing like a grandchild,
(Well, Grandma has always turned Grandpa’s head),
(Then again, we wouldn’t be talking grandchildren here),
Every grandparent knows this truth,
This is our second go around,
If you loved your children,
If you loved your family,
If you should be blessed to have grandchildren,
Then you are truly blessed,
(If you have not had a grandchild; adopt one),
(This works, too…I have seen it many times),
Pile ‘em on,
I have seven now,
Five boys, and two girls,
I was babysitting with Grandma,
The twenty-two month old granddaughter,
Crawls up on me to reach the light switch in the room,
She crawls down and steps away,
I switch the light “On”,
She looks at me,
And, says, “N-o-o-o, Gran-n-n-n-ba!”,
She comes back to me,
She slowly pulls on my knee and climbs up over me,
And, the process starts all over again,
Grandma laughs,
And, Grandpa,
(You had to be there)

Peter Lowell Paulson
January 16, 2015

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