Friday, January 9, 2015

I Love Your Smile

I Love Your Smile

It all comes down to smiles,
Every day,
I smile,
You smile,
We are so happy to see each other,
Around a corner,
Sitting in a chair,
Coming down a hallway,
Pausing during a meal,
A look up,
A meeting of the eye,
(Sometimes we get angry)
(Sometimes we “make up” angry)
(But, angry never lasts),
We became soulmates
We became lovers,
Intimacy breathes,
Skin on skin,
But, that is so personal,
Acquired, through time and effort,
Yet, effortless when true love,
Is involved,
I think,
Heaven is involved here,
Angels hover, and protect,
I know one thing,
I love you!
And, I love your smile!

Peter Lowell Paulson
January 9, 2015

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