Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I Love Light

I Love Light
I love light most of all,
But, shadow, too,
I am drawn,
Without the light we stumble,
With too much light we are blind,
Without shadow there is no form,
When it is too dark, we are lost,
The depths of white turned to grey-
The stark black for contrast,
A wintry scene,
A mountain dome,
A waterfall,
Black and white,
Color is overrated sometimes,
There are days,
Blacks and whites,
They’re all we have,
And, they do just fine,
Just fine, indeed!
Peter Lowell Paulson
January 22, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

The iCloud Say I am Really Full


The iCloud says I am really full,

Not full enough for me,

As I delete pictures within “it”,

(and by “it” I mean the “iCloud”)

I see images so blurry,

Of fun, fun, fun,

The essence of life,

I want to see yours,

Every boy and every girl,

The tumbles, and the twirl,

Grandparents are the second life,

In this life,

Oh, thank God, are we so lucky,

Parents must be there,

They must set the rules,

Harken parents,

These munchkins will marry,

Most of them anyway,

If you get one child from your child,

That child will bond with you,

And, why??

I am not going to tell you why,

Fill in the blank,

Because you will come to your Mom and Dad,

(If they are still alive, and if not you will still hug them),

And, say,


“Really, cool!”

Yeah, this is REALLY cool”


Peter Lowell Paulson,

January 20, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Open Eyes!

Open Eyes!
 Open eyes,
See the dawn,
Spread your wings,
You are gone,
Up, up away,
You are free,
A new day here,
Come with me,
Yellows, blue,
Red and green,
Purple, orange,
What a scene!
Fingers paint,
Spray the world,
Grab a star,
Be a saint,
He or she,
Grab a hand,
Climb that tree,
See the stars,
Reach above,
Strive for God,
God is Love!
Peter Lowell Paulson
January 18, 2014

Santa Claus People

Santa Claus People

Be Still,
As off I creep,
To find some slumber,
Bits of sleep,
God of this universe,
I ask nothing of me,
You have given me everything,
Life, and love,
I selfishly wish for that,
For family and friends,
And, if friends could extend to everyone else,
I pray that I might share my joy for each and every one!
Santa did!
I read this book of Santa!
He said (St Nick, actually) we can be like Christ,
Let us be like Christ!
Christ filled our soul so sin would die,
But, Christ filled our want of need, too,
(And, he could fix the lame, and others, too!),
We might not be able to fix the lame,
(Although, I know some who can),
No one can force us,
No one should,
Governments are only as good as God is good,
And, we the people,
The people of God,
Can transcend,
We are the St. Nicholas folks,
We are Santa Claus people.
We are Christ people!
Christmas starts at Epiphany!
The Wiseman came to give their gifts!
A prophecy beyond our efforts as a person driven effort,
The big bang,
The big, big bang is God!
I don’t have to say it loud,
I can say it soft,
Rule and roll it out…
God is good…all the time!
And God is GREAT…all the time!

Peter Lowell Paulson
January 18, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Snow Drop

Snow Drop
Can you see the lacy drop?
I had to stop my work today,
Those big, big flakes,
That as a child,
Would turn you out,
And, make you wild,
To shout out to your mom, “Oh, Please!”
“I have to go outside, oh, please!”
You’d run out side to meet the air,
To look straight up and stare and stare,
The flakes so big,
So fluffy white,
You turn around,
Around again,
And, swirl to catch that fluffy sight,
Unseen in summer,
Fall or Spring,
This is the winter’s wonder thing!
Go south the hot, go north the snow,
Oh I don’t know, no I don’t know,
There’s beauty; beauty everywhere,
Yet, fluffy snow’s beyond compare,
In southern climes when you are young,
You have the flavors where you live,
But, not a snowflake on your tongue,
No, ne’er a snowflake on your tongue!
Peter Lowell Paulson
January 15, 2014



 A man of faith,
A man of strength,
A man of love,
A man of conviction,
A man of family,
A man who loved his wife,
A man whose smile could melt your soul,
A man who would meet you where you are,
A man that would stand on his own two feet,
A man of strength,
Oh, Yes, a man of strength,
And, a man of love,
For family,
And, for his wife,
and, for God!
 Peter Lowell Paulson
January 15, 2014
Dedicated to Paul Heyob
January 15, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

This is a poem for Graham,
(He won’t care two “hoots about this poem until he is thirty years old, or older, but one day, and “Yes, Graham this is part of the poem, in case you were wondering, at forty years old or older, this is part of the poem),
A man so strong, I am!
I ask a question now,
The process and the how,
Mercurial; I know,
My temperature can blow,
But, in control I’m grand,
For all I understand,
Your buttons I will touch,
For “this”, and “that”, and “such”,
Equations will devolve,
Now Graham can finally solve,
The hardest part to see,
Is other men like me,
We all will see a way,
Now business is our play,
Important in my life,
My children, and my wife,
And, God and Christ above,
Surrounded by their love!
Peter Lowell Paulson
January 14, 2014
P.S.  Grandson, I love you more than words can ever express.  There is no way that I could ever know the measure of a man that is you.  I have known you since you were an infant.  I know you way better than most know you, minus of course your parents.  I love you!  Point and period, as they say.  Love, Grandpa Paulson

Monday, January 13, 2014

In the Still of the Night

In the Still of the Night

In the still of the night,
Candlelight; firelight,
A soft and radiant hue,
Snow densely falling,
Moonlight obscured,
Safely procured,
Inside blanketed,
You and I,
Embers glowing,
Cheek to cheek,
A warm embrace,
Now face to face,
Nose to nose,
You smile,
I smile,
And, eyes twinkle,
One soft kiss,
Two soft kisses,
Held close,
Sleep closes in,
You win!
Champion of my dreams!
And, again,
And, again!
I love that!
Peter Lowell Paulson
January 13, 2014

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My Garden Fairy

My Garden Fairy

Have you seen my garden fairy?
       Metaled wings, and so contrary,
Brassed and scalloped parasol,
It keeps her dry from winter fall.
 Her sun dress draped below her knees,
Yet barefoot still to feel the breeze,
And, every blade of grass that grows,
Upon those slender feet and toes.
She keeps her vigil every hour,
Within her hand a ribboned flower,
She waves to wish a warmer wind,
For winter’s wanton power rescind.
Peter Lowell Paulson
January 7, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014

My Weather Girl

My Weather Girl
My wife loves the weather channel,
She knows all the weathermen (and weatherladies) by name,
She is like her father who had a radio for weather alerts,
A little biology here,
They may not have discovered it yet,
But, my wife has her father’s ‘weather’ gene,
All I know is what I see,
A whether skeptic,
Kind of,
I open the door,
It’s raining,
I need an umbrella,
It's snow packed,
I need to shovel,
Pretty darned simple,
But, the love of my life,
(And, I give a lot credence here, on many levels)
Follows fronts,
Yes, fronts,
I listen
Peter Lowell Paulson
January 6, 2014