Saturday, December 14, 2019

True Friends

True Friends

A friend is one who helps you draw,
The mountain’s scenic captured awe,
And, hears those secrets deep inside,
Yet, keeps them safe when you confide.

Oh, friends may come and friends may go,
Once full of life they wither so,
And, some, like leaves, they fly away,
Yet, each a blessing to this day.

Assessing life the truest friend,
They’re always there unto the end,
And, even though your faults may mar,
They love you still for who you are.

So, here’s to friends you are true blue,
Some known for years though some are new,
I thank the Lord for his assent,  
For you, dear friend, were Heaven sent!

Peter Lowell Paulson
December 14, 2019

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Christmas Anew

Christmas Anew

A strand of lights falls from my hands,
And, barren green the pine tree stands,
So brightly shines, on top, the star,
Surveys my little work thus far.

Yet, inch by inch each light does glow,
And, soon each branch, a shimmer show,
With every red and gold, and blue,
A transformation through and through.

Around, around and depths within,
And, soon bright ornaments will spin,
My bride and I, tonight will view,
To celebrate Christmas anew!

Peter Lowell Paulson
December 5, 2019