Saturday, March 28, 2020

Pirate Helicopter Ride

Pirate Helicopter Ride

Last night I took a helicopter ride,
It had all sorts of friends on up inside,
Now, the thing looked like it was a pirate boat,
Five-gallon can of fuel kept it afloat. .

Right now I must admit this was a dream,
And, the strangest one to me, or it would seem,
From Chicago to St. Louis we would stray,
For it ended in the San Francisco bay?

One thing about the helicopter blade,
It was atop the main sail where it stayed,
It was the sail that helped to steer the ship,
All hands-on-deck were busy on this this trip.

Now, all were worried how we’d make it back,
Or if some fighter planes would soon attack,
The people on the ground pointed and laughed,
For, it was the motley crew and creaky craft.

It moved like slow molasses in the cold,
(And, the rubber fuel line was rather old),
By necessity we’d stop each now and then,
Just to fret about the engine start again.

Now, the nice thing ‘bout a dream it isn’t real,
And, we made it home quite safe to seal the deal,
Like Gilligan I woke and had to muse,
Success within our three-hour cruise!

Peter Lowell Paulson
March 28, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020



O’ foulest fiend whose veil you cast,
(From bitter seed and origin),
All wont of ill this cloak amassed,
To cover calm and peace within.

It tries men’s souls and tears apart,
All thought to gain an upper hand,
And, rend the inner tender heart,
To this and every other land.

However low your specious spill,
However low the trail you trod,
It ne’er can cover grander still,
The greater good of sovereign God.

Despite all outcomes you display,
Despite the terror you foment in,
All trust in Him forever pray,
Restore the calm and peace within.

For in this time and all I must,
Believe in God and place all trust!

Peter Lowell Paulson
March 19, 2020

Tuesday, March 10, 2020



Did I tell you I love you yet,
Did I tell you I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
Committed in love,
And, then,
Love grows,
Love never stays the same,
When it lasts,
Love is never static,
Love is never, ever benign,
It cannot be,
When love is true love,
It deepens,
Over time,
Every life encounters pain,
Every life,
Every life encounters evil,
If only on the periphery,
It can invade,
But, love is greater,
It protects,
It guides,
And, when love is central,
To everything in life,
It permeates,
It strengthens,
It champions,
And, once we moved beyond the “Yet”,
The best was and is yet to come,
Once we said,
To each other,
I love you!

Peter Lowell Paulson
March 10, 2020